The following is a list of links to presentations, reports and studies that have been conducted in the Waukegan AOC and the Extended AOC or are relevant to the work being done in the AOC.
CAG Meeting Presentations
Benthic and Macroinvertebrate Assessment Presentation (PDF)
Birds as Indicators of Contaminant Exposure and Effects in the Great Lakes – Waukegan Harbor (PDF)
Lake Michigan and Coastal Campaign – Illinois Wildlife Action Plan (PowerPoint)
Final Reports – Complete for the Waukegan AOC
Waukegan Harbor Remedial Action Plan Final Stage iii Report 1999
Waukegan Harbor 2017 Fish Sampling Report
Waukegan Harbor South Beach Assessment
Waukegan Fish Sampling Summary Report – 2013
Other Relevant Reports and Studies
Activating the Lake Michigan Water Trail In Northern Illinois
2015 Illinois Wildlife Action Plan Implementation Guide
Utilizing Tree Swallows as Indicators for Contaminants in the Great Lakes Area – a GLRI Map story by Principal Investigators: Thomas Custer and Christine Custer
Microplastics in the Great Lakes – 2017
Microplastics in the Great Lakes Workshop Report
The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program in Illinois (PowerPoint)
Illinois Lake Michigan Nearshore Mercury & PCB TMDLs (PowerPoint)
USACE Great Lakes and Interbasin Mississippi River Study (GLMRIS) Summary (2013) – The goal of GLMRIS is to present a range of options and technologies to prevent the transfer of aquatic nuisance species(ANS), such as Asian carp, between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins through aquatic pathways. GLMRIS Report web page
GRLI Action Plan II The GLRI Action Plan II outlines the next phase of work on Great Lakes environmental problems